Speaker Announcement – WordCamp Edinburgh 2018

I’m excited announce that I’ve been selected to speak at WordCamp Edinburgh on November 17th – 18th @ Codebase. I have always been interested in the idea of using Aliases with WP-CLI and will spend some time exploring how to configure Aliases to make it easier to run commands on remote WordPress sites. I traveled to Edinburgh earlier in the year and passed by Codebase on the way to the Castle. I thought it looked like a great spot to work. I am extremely happy to know that I’ll spend some time there for WordCamp. I’m looking forward to a … Continued

Production Ready WordPress – #WPLDN

I had an awesome time last night speaking about Continuous Integration with Codeship , Github and dependency management to a packed house in London. I’m grateful for the invitation from the #WPLDN team to help kick off the year’s first meetup, which I learned was also a milestone, being the 70th time the meetup has happened over the past 5 year. It was a great event and a number of people asked for the deck to review, which I’ve uploaded to Slideshare. Hopefully this was an inspiring talk that opened up some new options for getting code from development to … Continued

I’m Speaking at WordCamp Manchester 2017

I’m extremely happy to report that I’ll be traveling up north for WordCamp Manchester 2017 on October 28th. This will be my second time attending the annual event and I’m honored to be speaking about Deployment and Continuous Integration. I’m really looking forward to attending after a nice quiet summer break with no speaking engagements. It will be great to break the silence and see you all again at WordCamp. Here’s more details about what I’m going to be talking about. Production-ready WordPress: Deploy your code using version control and continuous integration It is common practice to move code through … Continued

Next Stop: WordCamp Bristol

WordCamp Bristol Logo

I’m happy to report that I’ve been chosen to speak at WordCamp Bristol about WP-CLI. If you missed my Themer’s Guide to WP-CLI talk earlier this year at the WordPress London Meetup you’ll have another chance to catch it live. Details for the event are posted on the WordCamp Bristol Site and my talk is scheduled for high noon on May 14th. If you’re in the Bristol area, don’t miss this event. As usual, I’ll have selected WP Engine swag on hand. You can also spot me wearing new WP Engine gear. Heading 1 this is 1 this is 2

Meet Me in Helsinki

Heading to WordCamp Helsinki this weekend? Make sure you say hello to @spicecadet who will be there representing WP Engine! #WCHEL pic.twitter.com/S0mascN3lI — WP Engine (@wpengine) April 19, 2017